Sunday, January 20, 2008

Initial Thought

When I first think about the meaning of life I am unsure about what the true meaning of life is. At first one would think that the meaning of life is to find happiness but I think that it may be a lot bigger than that. I think that finding the meaning of life is actually something that takes time to find. In fact in some ways there may not actually be a meaning to life. When I think about the meaning of life I have to wonder whether animals and non-living things have there own meanings to their lives. The meaning of life has so many definitions that there is no really actual way to describe. The meaning of life is setting goals for your future, actual looking ahead to progress. The meaning of life is actual trying to live day by day. The meaning of life can be to cherish and love by being with your loved ones. The meaning of life can be when a baby is born and a new life was has come to this world. Life has some much meaning that is actual like I said before is living day by day. There are so many signs, emotions and things that can define the meaning of life depending on what you want for yourself. Looking at the meaning of life is a lot harder than one would think when they are first given the question. This makes me think that the meaning of life may be to great a concept for that of a regular person no come a cross. It is by far one of the most difficult but great questions of all time.

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