Sunday, January 20, 2008


When hit with a question people have many different answers to them. Some answers as detailed as a 10 page paper others as simple as yes or no. But occasionally people are hit with a question that they get stumped by. A question where they can not create or make up an answer for it. One of those questions is what is the meaning of life? I have a counter question for that. What the hell does this question even mean? Throughout time people have questioned the actual meaning of our lives. Yet, no one has actually figured out the true M.O.L. They continue to try to interpret and understand the M.O.L, but many different ways. The question of what is the meaning of life is one that can also be interpreted differently. Even those that believe that they have in fact interpreted the question may soon come to contradict themselves after further analysis. Some people believe the question is about their wants and needs in life while others answer the question by challenging it with more questions which in the end there is no answer. Irving singer, author of the article Meaning of life: Rephrasing Questions, believes that you should not attack the question head on, but look at it at a different angle. As he continues to look and study about the question of what is the meaning of life he comes upon other questions. He says people dodge the question as best they can and try to interpret the question differently. He believes that the meaning of life is actually two questions which have been clumped together. The first part of the question being if the answer to the question of what is the M.O.L is found or created. The second part of the question is how it relates towards happiness. . The question to the meaning of life can either be the question of purpose to ourselves, or to the universe that we live in. That is the belief of Irving Singer. John Wisdom believes that the meaning of life is just a large, complex, bewildering question, which may have no meaning to it at all. He believes that the answer to the meaning of life is used to answer other questions which make the question absurd. He asked that is there any real meaning to the question. He then asked the fact that things in the world holds things within it but what makes those things things. An example of what the point he was trying to get across was the word dog. It is meaning applies to the animal that is a dog but what is the meaning of the dog itself. What purpose does the dog hold? Joseph Ellin believes in three different views of the question. He believes in the idea of seeing the big picture and not just the little one. He believes that by looking at the big picture you will be able to understand the question because then it shows you the meaning more clearly. Ellin feels that no one lives by them self and that no one is alone.
He does know that the question must be broken down into parts. Everything must have an explanation that can be in reference to the answer. It must have something to do with the purpose of us actually existing. After looking at the thoughts of these three individuals and how they look at how to interpret the question I come to believe that in order to understand the question of what is the meaning of life you have to look at each and every component in which the question of the meaning of life is associated with. Therefore it seems that figuring out how to answer the question about the meaning of life is almost or perhaps just as hard as actually answering the actual question.

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