Sunday, January 20, 2008

Religion Final

Religion is something that is practice throughout the entire world. Religion comes in many different shapes and forms. Some are as new as the day itself but others have been around since the beginning of time. Many religions around the world focus on how to find reasoning and purpose in our lives. Many people wonder why we are here and why did their gods create them. They follow sacred texts and follow the accounts of people who have lived thousands of years before them. Catholicism is one of the many religions that follow this. As stated early many religions use a sacred and/or holy text in which they base their entire religion on.Catholicism is based on three sources: the Bible, the Church, and Sacred Tradition. Catholics often refer to these three sources as the Three-Legged Stool.
In the religion of Catholicism Jesus Christ a.k.a. The Son of God is the main figure of the religion. They do also believe that resurrection is a part of living. In Catholics use the ideas in the holy text and the ideas of Jesus Christ as a way to live their lives in a good and just way.
According to Catholics beliefs, which are based on the bible, there is in fact only one god. He is the Father, who is the creator of all things man knows, as well is all that is unknown to man. In Catholicism God can be considered the answer to anything and everything. There is also Jesus Christ who is the only Son of God. Through Jesus a.k.a. the Son of God, all of man’s sins would be forgiven and forgotten. Since resurrection is a part of the belief of many Catholics, they believe that Jesus will come back down from heaven and bring them with him to the kingdom of heaven. When Jesus does return the world will go through an Armageddon and be cleansed of its entire evils and wrong doings.
As a class, we went to visit both a synagogue and a church, the idea that we were left with, were that kindness was a major part to our lives. When we spoke with the Rabbi, he told us about Tikkun Olam, which means repairing the World. In other words, Judaism is about repairing and fixing the world in which we all live in. To fix the world is our purpose, and there is no other one to it. He told us a story of a boy who was ready to commit suicide because he was treated as an outcast. However, because a new student was kind to and introduced himself to the boy, the boy decided to forget about dying and from then on they became best friends. That one act of kindness saved and changed the life of one forever.
When we spoke with the priest about Catholicism, his views on it were set like a book. He spoke to use as if he was giving us a lecture in which he had prepared and rehearse many times of. He was however able to tell us that religion is meant to makes life more meaningful. “Life is not something that is meant to have meaning, the meaning must come from you and you make it worth it.”(JD’s Blog) They believe that if you just follow the lord’s word you will be allowed into his kingdom.
Judaism and Catholicism follow most of the same beliefs; Jesus Christ is part of both of these religions. The only difference between them is that Judaism follows the old testaments. The rabbi and the priest had similar ideas and beliefs. They both believed that the only difference was in whom had the roles in the belief.
Religions role in the meaning of life is one that is very important and helps certain people find their own idea of what they feel is the meaning of life. Religion helps me to understand that the meaning of life is something that you choose. The meaning of life for everyone is found and created, that is what I am understanding after doing this essay.

1 comment:

Timothy said...

Greetings! Enjoyed the comparison you wrote.

>"As stated early many religions use a sacred and/or holy text in which they base their entire religion on. In Catholicism the sacred text is the holy bible."

You may not know, but the entire Catholic faith is not based on the Bible alone. Catholicism is based on three sources: the Bible, the Church, and Sacred Tradition. Catholics often refer to these three sources as the Three-Legged Stool.

God bless...