Monday, January 21, 2008


When hit with a question people have many different answers to them. Some answers as detailed as a 10 page paper others as simple as yes or no. But occasionally people are hit with a question that they get stumped by. A question where they can not create or make up an answer for it. One of those questions is what is the meaning of life? I have a counter question for that. What the hell does this question even mean? Throughout time people have questioned the actual meaning of our lives. Yet, no one has actually figured out the true M.O.L. They continue to try to interpret and understand the M.O.L, but many different ways. The question of what is the meaning of life is one that can also be interpreted differently. Even those that believe that they have in fact interpreted the question may soon come to contradict themselves after further analysis.

ADD On about Irving Singer John wisdom and Joesph Ellin

1 comment:

caitlyn5 said...

"occasionally people get hit with a question they get stumped by"-
i really like this quote, i think it should be used as our essential answer ( like the opp. of essential question..."MOL?") because its kind of the most definitive answer any of us crazy mini philosophers came up with. i know that must seem juvenile, but its a very juvenile concept, we cant answer the question! we know the floor is down, we know that water is wet because we can feel it, we know the table is just a table because it doesnt just get up and turn on the T.v and watch reality shows, and we know that the question "what is the meaning of life?" is a question that stumps us all, because where is the answer?
The floor is down, we can always, always see that. Same with the table, but tom, someone might die and make us feel like life is about suffering...Than you'll hit the lottery in 3 years and think life is about getting back what you deserve in other superficial ways. Than you'll have an epiphany, and you'll want to save the world, and all in one moment, the world may turn shitty again. i think we're all stumped.