Monday, January 21, 2008

Other Perspective Draft

When the class first began, I have not thought much of the meaning of life. I have thought that it had to do with understanding and knowing what your life is all about and how one should live it. After examining the thoughts of others prospective on the meaning of life through interviews/ conversations and reading articles written by philosophers I believe that I have come up with some sort of meaning. After having a conversation with my younger brother the opinion I had began to change. He told me that he believes that living life as you please and letting fate take care of the rest was truly the meaning of life.
After having the conversation with him I began to wonder, if what he said was in fact the meaning of life. However, my opinion again drastically changed a few weeks later when we read an article on someone’s opinion on the meaning of life. The author of the article wrote that the word “ dog” is not an animal and the animal dog is not a word. The animal has no meaning and the word means the animal. He uses this concept towards the meaning of life. Stating that “ life just is “. I compare this view to that of my brother’s and realize there was a similarities but also differences.

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